
USU: Global Talent in Brussels

USU: Global Talent programme in Brussels (formerly known as Ukrainian Future Leaders) is the first programme in the series of traineeships in the political institutions, which was launched in 2022 to prepare a generation of leaders to enhance and rebuild Ukraine’s potential. So far, 5 Ukrainian students have undergone their internships in the European Parliament and Council of Europe in Brussels. The programme is aimed at young Ukrainians aged 18-28 who wish to take up a critical position in Ukraine's Politics, Civil Service, and the private sector. In the context of Ukraine's accession to the EU and its candidate status, this is an opportunity to gain experience in European public institutions and to gain skills and connections to speed up our European integration. Interns will work at the offices of the Council of Europe or MEPs to obtain essential skills needed for public policy making. 

A successful candidate would fit these criteria:

  • A profound interest in politics, international relations, public policy and Ukraine-EU relations.
  • Being fluent in the Ukrainian language and one of the working languages of the EU (French/English/German), but with a strong preference for English, due to practical constraints at this point in time.
  • Display strong leadership potential and willingness to promote positive change through the development of public policy and democratic values in Ukraine
  • Show engagement in the political life of Ukraine through various practical or academic activities.
  • Promotion and support for the next tracks of the Program

Programme Objectives


Select, Train and Empower Ukraine's future leaders to take critical positions in Ukraine's politics, civil Service, civil society, and private sector to Build Appropriate capacity and design policy to advance Ukraine's nation interest .


Critical to European track of the Programme is, thus, to improve knowledge of and immerse young Ukrainian professionals and students into their inner core of European institutions, which is critical, given the growing importance of the bilateral relations between Ukraine and the Europe


The Program seeks to achieve this by recruiting a network of young Ukrainians and building the appropriate partnerships with external friends of Ukraine.

Eligibility Criteria

young professionals and university students
between the ages of 18 and 28
citizens of Ukraine

Selection Process




Participating Institutions

Apply To Participate

The Ukrainian Students Union (USU) is pleased to announce an open call for participants for the USU: Global Talent that is provisionally scheduled to take place early Spring in Brussels, Belgium 2024.

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